The “TeLSAC” Model: Teaching / Learning by Skills throughAptitudes and Capacities

The Lifelong Learning-based model proposed by the UE in the '90s
in the globalized Labor Market of the 21st Century

Building European Citizenship
Developing collaborations among European Countries in the fields of Didactics and Training
Facing the deep, fast social change in a perspective of growth, competitiveness and occupation
Why Choose Us?
I.S.P.E.F.’s mission is to offer both European formal recognition of the Training carried out and Certifications acquired, as well as Skills to be actively applied in the Labor Market.
European Principles of our approach
Ours are the principles of the White Paper presented by the European Commission chaired by Jacques Delors (1993), the Lisbon Strategy (2000), the Bologna Process (MIUR, 2000), which shaped many of today's most relevant Education (Erasmus+) and Research (Horizon 2020) programs.
Focus on the Skills
Our Training gives priority to both actively using Skills throughout the process and acquiring the desired new Skills in the end.
Person-specific Customization of the Training
Evaluation of tasks and personalized feedback is featured and provided at all times.
Conceived for the Internet-based and ICTs Reality
This Training Model aspires to form Europen Citizens, ready to interact and work with the broader reality around them and starting from the internet.